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Low Back Pain Series Two - Part 3

Low back pain doesn’t need to be an ongoing burden for you and affect daily living and work. There are many options available, both in the clinic and through referrals and self-care activities, to help you live with less pain.

Here, in the clinic we carry out a thorough medical history and physical assessment before any intervention, to help decide the best course of action. Your therapist might use a range of modalities in the clinic, which can include hands-on treatment, exercise intervention, nutritional advice, lifestyle advice, and ergonomic assessments.

If your practitioner thinks it appropriate they can refer you for diagnostic imaging or to another health care provider to address other areas of your health.

There are also numerous things you can do at home to take more control of your back health and reduce severity and frequency of symptoms.

Don’t let your back pain continue to be a burden. You do have options and we can help you identify those that work best for you. Let us be a part of your peak performance team.

If you have ongoing or current low back pain and are seeking advice on management or treatment options give us a call at the clinic on 0425 876 929 or book online HERE

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